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  • Making your own calendar is a fun activity for all ages. Whether it is a simple or a professional calendar, you can make it as long as you prepare some paper and glue. You can also download a calendar template directly from the Internet, or use a calendar-making software to complete it. It is a good choice to give your calendar as a gift to family and friends, whether it is Christmas or other holidays. The following will introduce how to make a calendar in detail, and start making your own calendar!


  • Recently, friends around me have become popular to jigsaw puzzles. If you like to join in the fun, you also got a hot-headed one and boasted that you are a jigsaw expert in Haikou, but only after you bought it home did you find that the large number of fragmented puzzle pieces and complicated picture backgrounds give you a little bit. There is no clue and no way to start, so how can I prevent the bull that I used to boast from being exposed? The following will teach you how to learn puzzles in a short time.


  • The new coronavirus broke out worldwide last year. In the severe period of epidemic prevention and control, people are in a state of home isolation, and books, toys, fitness equipment and other industries have ushered in several times of growth. As a "household artifact" puzzle, the growth momentum is particularly prominent.


  • China's national standard for children's toys is GB6675 "toy safety", which has quality requirements for toys. There are different rules for toys used by babies of different ages.


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